Welcome to RAMP Athletics!
We are dedicated to supporting athletic excellence and community spirit for our Gloucester Catholic High School Athletic Programs. We all know that GC student athletes have been able to do amazing things without having all of the tangible things as other schools. Our goal is to level the playing field by helping to fund equipment, facilities, and opportunities for our student-athletes. Join us in empowering the next generation of athletes and take us to levels that we have not yet seen, but know are very possible!
Every time you purchase clothing, support our sponsors, attend our events, or donate to our cause, you will be helping to build towards these goals.
Thank you for supporting us!!!!
Check out our online shop to buy custom GC gear
Check out all the local businesses supporting
Find out about all upcoming alumni, team, and community events
Come here to donate at any time,You can Venmo us @rams-ramp at any time, or check out our link to spread your donation through out the year. How much could you give a day without even noticing it, 25 cents, 50 cents, $1, $2? Small numbers add up to an enormous difference for our cause at the end of the year. Every donation amount is greatly appreciated!!!